H ow many days? Can you remember?
A nd I don't think I can as well...
P assed since the day when you surrendered,
P lacing your soul to my hell.
Y ou came to me like holly angel,
A nd put your wings against my horns,
N ot fully realizing danger,
N ot noticing the locking doors.
I promised you a royal crown,
V ests made of silk, by gold embroidered...
E ntrusting me your joy and sorrow,
R esisting less to heating boiler,
S o mindlessly you believed,
A mazed to death by my deceiving...
R emaining story I will leave
Y ou, so you can express your feelings.
October 2009
A nd I don't think I can as well...
P assed since the day when you surrendered,
P lacing your soul to my hell.
Y ou came to me like holly angel,
A nd put your wings against my horns,
N ot fully realizing danger,
N ot noticing the locking doors.
I promised you a royal crown,
V ests made of silk, by gold embroidered...
E ntrusting me your joy and sorrow,
R esisting less to heating boiler,
S o mindlessly you believed,
A mazed to death by my deceiving...
R emaining story I will leave
Y ou, so you can express your feelings.
October 2009